Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI) Scholars – Application deadline: January 9, 2022

Program Description:
Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars are intensive post-graduate level academic programs whose
purpose is to provide foreign university faculty and other scholars the opportunity to deepen their
understanding of U.S. society, culture, values, and institutions. The ultimate goal of the Institutes is to
strengthen curricula and to enhance the quality of teaching about the United States in academic institutions
abroad. Study of the U.S. Institutes for Scholars will take place at various colleges, universities, and
academic institutions throughout the United States over the course of six weeks beginning in or after June
Institute Themes:
1- The Institute on American Culture and Values will provide a multinational group of experienced and
highly motivated foreign university faculty and other specialists with a deeper understanding of U.S. society,culture, values, and institutions. The Institute should examine the ethnic, racial, social, economic, political,and religious contexts in which various cultures have manifested in U.S. society while focusing on the waysin which these cultures have influenced social movements and American identity throughout U.S. history.
The program should draw from a diverse disciplinary base and should itself provide a model of how a foreign university might approach the study of American culture and society.
2- The Institute on Journalism and Media will provide a multinational group of experienced and highly
motivated foreign journalism instructors and other related specialists with a deeper understanding of the roles that journalism and the media play in U.S. society. The Institute will examine the role of journalists in recognizing and preventing disinformation and will explore strategies for media and information literacy to counter disinformation. Additionally, the Institute will examine best practices in journalism by discussing the rights and responsibilities of the media in a democratic society, including editorial independence, journalistic ethics, legal constraints, and international journalism. In addition, the Institute will examine pedagogical strategies for teaching students of journalism the basics of the tradecraft: researching, critical thinking, reporting, interviewing, writing, and editing. The program will also highlight the impact of technology in journalism, including the influence of the Internet, globalization of the news media, and other changes that are transforming the profession.
3- The Institute on Religious Pluralism in the United States will provide a multinational group of
experienced foreign university faculty, scholars, researchers and religious leaders with a deeper
understanding of U.S. society and culture, past and present, through an examination of religious pluralism in the United States and its intersection with American democracy. The program will include a survey of the religious landscape of the United States, including religious groups; an exploration of the historical and contemporary relationship between church and state in the United States; an examination of the ways in which religious thought and practice have modified and have been influenced by the development of American-style democracy; and discussions on the intersections of religion and politics in the United States in such areas as elections, public policy, and foreign policy. Participants will have opportunities to meet U.S. community leaders of different faiths who advocate for collaboration and tolerance among religious groups.

4- The Institute on U.S. Economics and Business will provide a multinational group of experienced foreign university faculty, researchers, experts and policymakers with a deeper understanding of key components and structures of the U.S. economy. Using a multidisciplinary approach, the program will explore various topics of socioeconomics; how financial institutions, investors, and businesses interact to support sustainable economic development and growth; and increasing diverse and equitable employment through institutional regulation, social inclusion strategies, and private and public policies. Throughout the Institute, Scholars will engage in a case study involving the fishing industry, which will examine the interplay of climate change, U.S. business innovation, corporate regulation, entrepreneurship, and economic theory.
Participants will have opportunities to learn about key institutions and stakeholders in the U.S. economy and meet with a diverse range of business leaders and small business owners, among others. A symposium where scholars will present their own research and scholarly practices will allow for robust discussion and an exchange of diverse perspectives.
5- The Institute on U.S. Foreign Policy will provide a multinational group of experienced foreign university faculty and practitioners with a deeper understanding of new approaches to U.S. foreign policy and how U.S. foreign policy is formulated and implemented. The Institute will include a historical review of significant events, individuals, and philosophies that have shaped U.S. foreign policy. The Institute will explain the role of key influences on U.S. foreign policy including the executive and legislative branches of government, the media, the U.S. public, think tanks, non-governmental organizations, and multilateral institutions. The program will also examine the current U.S. foreign policy making landscape and recent trends that are shaping policy.
6- The Institute on Workforce Development will provide a multinational group of experienced foreign
faculty and practitioners with a deeper understanding of how recent socioeconomic trends have changed the concept of work, workforce development, and career paths in the United States. The academic program will include a thorough discussion of the role of U.S. educational institutions, particularly community colleges, in preparing Americans with the skills needed to succeed in multiple industries including business, technology, science, the creative arts, and emerging fields. The Institute will offer opportunities for participants to research new ideas, in conjunction with American peers, to better understand the evolution of work, the changing demand for skills, and the advancements in workforce development through retraining and reskilling.

Program Model:
The Institutes will be conducted as traditional in-person programs at U.S. host institutions. Should health, safety, and travel conditions continue to pose significant challenges, the programs will pivot to a modified virtual format. The virtual program will consist of a minimum of 36 hours of required programming and will be a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning. To the extent possible, the virtual programming will include lectures, small group discussions, videos, readings, panels, site visits, assignments, and individual and group activities. Participants are required to fully participate in the entire virtual program from their home location outside the United States.
Technology Requirements: Should the program need to pivot to a virtual format, participants would need access to a computer and a stable internet connection.
1. Candidates should be mid-career, typically between the ages of 30-50, highly motivated,
experienced scholars and professionals generally from institutions of higher education or
research-focused organizations (not-for-profits, think tanks, etc.). While the educational level of
participants will likely vary, most should have graduate degrees and have substantial knowledge
of the thematic area of the Institute or a related field.
2. Candidates must choose one theme only.
3. Ideal candidates are individuals whose home institution is seeking to introduce aspects of U.S.
studies into its curricula, to develop new courses in the subject of the Institute, to enhance and
update existing courses on the United States, or to offer specialized seminars/workshops for
professionals in U.S. studies areas related to the program theme.
4. Ideal candidates will have little or no prior experience in the United States.
5. Candidates must demonstrate English language fluency and provide sufficient proof of their
English proficiency levels.

How to Apply
Application Link:  

Application Deadline
January 9, 2022